Some words, pictures and sounds

A Radio Today headline pass me by earlier today “presenter drunk on air.” Was the inspiration this bit from the 1970s?

And while I’m recycling posts, a little ago you’ll probably saw Sandi Thom’s rant on not being playlisted. Maybe she’s just the 2015 equivalent of Status Quo? Bet she won’t take it to the High Court though.

BFBS in Catterick in the nineties

This item from my Sound Archive looks at the British Forces Broadcasting Service, otherwise known as BFBS. As well as looking at the history of forces radio, it looks at the first UK barracks to open it’s own radio station.

Radio by numbers

I got asked “Can they get that Capital One?” on that new digital device. In the wake of Bauer Radio’s new ‘brand extensions’ this prompted me to ask “What’s in a radio station name?”

Am I the only person who hasn’t listened to Serial yet? It has prompted some interesting articles from others: Jacobs…

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